ACCA Financial Accounting

Môn học Kế toán tài chính cấp độ Kiến thức ứng dụng chương trình ACCA
Mr. Giang Ha FCCA
4 Đánh giá 651 Học viên

Bạn sẽ học được gì

FA/F3 tuy là môn học căn bản nhưng khối lượng kiến thức là tương đối lớn, bao trùm toàn bộ kiến thức của Kế toán. Với môn học “nhập môn” này, học viên sẽ :

  • Hiểu được mục đích của việc lập Báo cáo tài chính cũng như các tính chất của thông tin tài chính
  • Hiểu được bút toán kép và hạch toán được các giao dịch cơ bản
  • Lập được Bảng cân đối phát sinh cũng như các Báo cáo tài chính đơn giản
  • Đọc hiểu - phân tích được các thông tin trên Báo cáo tài chính

Giới thiệu khóa học

Khóa học ACCA Financial Accounting (FA/F3) là môn "Kế toán tài chính" thuộc cấp độ Kiến thức Ứng dụng và là môn đầu tiên cần chinh phục trong chương trình ACCA. Vì thế, đây được xem là môn học quan trọng nhất với vai trò là nền tảng cho các môn học tiếp sau.

Nội dung khóa học

  • Giới thiệu về môn học Financial Accounting 64:45
  • Tài liệu môn học
  • 0 - Overview 0:30
  • 1 - What is financial reporting? 3:38
  • 2 - Business & Types of Business 42:38
  • 3 - Need of Users & Stakeholders 8:22
  • 4 - Accounting & Types of Accounting 4:50
  • 5 - Financial Statements 12:42
  • 6 - Governance 6:10
  • 0 - Overview 3:55
  • 1 - Factors to consider when prepare FS 27:02
  • 2 - The role and structure of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 36:57
  • Practice Chapter 1&2
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 1&2 11:31
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - Conceptual Framework 4:46
  • 1 - Assumptions for FS 15:25
  • 2 - Qualitative Characteristics 23:40
  • 3 - Cost Constraint 4:32
  • 4 - The Balance Between Qualitative Characteristics 1:22
  • 5 - Duality 1:47
  • 6 - Measurement 7:29
  • Practice Chapter 3
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 3 10:22
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - The role of source document 21:39
  • 1 - Some definitions of source docs 9:43
  • 2 - Books of Original/Prime Entry 25:13
  • 0 - General / Nominal Accounts 6:43
  • 1 - Double Entries 8:16
  • 2 - Double Entries Book - Keeping 2:47
  • 3 - Examples of Double Entries 10:59
  • Chữa Example Double Entries 7:33
  • Practice Chapter 5
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 5 17:25
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 1 - Recording Process 1:35
  • 2 - Trial Balance 12:19
  • 3 - Income Statement 5:35
  • 4 - The Balance sheet/SOFP 12:35
  • Practice Chapter 6
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 6 25:21
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 1 - The nature of Sales Tax 13:07
  • 2 - Formula Related To Sales tax 1:01
  • 3 - Irrecoverable Sales Tax 1:41
  • 4 - Accounting Treatment For Sales Tax 2:30
  • 5 - Cash book, Sales Day Book, Purchase Day book 1:46
  • 6 - Sales Tax Control Account 2:13
  • 7 - Sales Tax and Discount 4:11
  • Practice Chapter 7
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 7 16:19
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - Overview 0:52
  • 1 - Inventory form 5:37
  • 2 - Inventory Definition 2:10
  • 3 - Inventory Presentation in FS 7:16
  • 4 - Adjustment for inventory in the FSs 5:01
  • 5 - Goods written off or written down 2:16
  • 6 - Recording inventory 7:15
  • 7 - Valuation of inventory IAS 02 28:20
  • 8 - Methods of calculating cost of inventory 21:27
  • 9 - Counting Inventories 9:49
  • 10 - Disclosures required by IAS 02 2:06
  • Practice Chapter 8
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 8 35:38
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - Overview 1:55
  • 1 - IAS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment 95:29
  • 2 - Revaluation of non-current Assets 37:13
  • 3 - Disposal 15:56
  • 4 - Asset register 2:32
  • 5 - Disclosures Requirement 4:22
  • Practice Chapter 9 Part 1
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 9 Part 1 19:10
  • Làm lại Practice 1
  • Practice Chapter 9 Part 2
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 9 Part 2 52:28
  • Làm lại Practice 2
  • 0 - Overview 1:00
  • 1 - Definition 31:09
  • 2 - Amortization of development costs 0:42
  • 3 - Impairment of development costs 0:37
  • 4 - Disclosure 1:01
  • Practice Chapter 10
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 10 13:57
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 1 - Introduction 12:33
  • 2 - Double entry for accruals and prepayments 32:34
  • Practice Chapter 11
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 11 49:42
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 1 - Irrecoverable Debts 10:54
  • 2 - Allowances for receivables 12:37
  • Practice Chapter 12
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 12 21:27
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 1 - Provision 30:11
  • 2 - Contingencies 9:54
  • 3 - Disclosure 2:34
  • Practice Chapter 13
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 13 8:04
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - Overview 3:36
  • 1 - Terminology 3:34
  • 2 - Individual Customer and Supplier Accounts 5:48
  • 3 - Other Trade Receivables and Trade Payables Entries 17:13
  • 4 - Supplier Statement Reconciliations 6:13
  • 5 - Summary 1:58
  • Practice Chapter 14
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 14 54:09
  • Làm lại Practice
  • Progress Test 1
  • 0 - Overview 2:19
  • 1 - Bank statement and cash book 16:11
  • 2 - A bank statement 6:49
  • 3 - Bank reconciliation statement 3:48
  • 4 - Procedures for performing a bank reconciliation 8:52
  • 5 - Timing and frequency of the bank reconciliation 5:15
  • Practice Chapter 15
  • Chữa Chapter Practice 15 34:00
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - Overview 1:24
  • 1 - Errors in The Account Balances or Preparing the Trial Balance 2:09
  • 2 - Errors identified by The Trial Balance 1:45
  • 3 - Errors not Identified by Trial Balance 6:57
  • 4 - The Efffect of Errors On Profit 6:53
  • 5 - The Correction of Errors 4:41
  • 6 - Suspense Account 6:04
  • 7 - An Approach to Dealing With Exam Questions 4:37
  • 8 - IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Change in Accounting Estimates and Error 9:39
  • Practice Chapter 16 - Correction of Errors
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 16 - Correction of Errors 39:30
  • Làm lại Practice
  • Practice Chapter 16 - Suspense accounts
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 16 - Suspense Accounts 28:32
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - Overview 1:59
  • 1 - From trial balance and income statement to statement of financial position 47:13
  • Bài chữa Practice
  • 2 - Non-current asset 5:08
  • 3 - Working capital 6:26
  • 4 - Cut-off 7:20
  • 0 - Overview 1:24
  • 1 - The Opening Balance Sheet 2:36
  • 2 - Credit sales and trade accounts 2:48
  • 3 - Purchases and trade accounts payable 8:32
  • 4 - Cost of sales 1:43
  • 5 - Stolen goods or goods destroyed 4:55
  • 6 - The cash book 8:00
  • 7 - Accruals and Prepayments 1:52
  • 8 - Drawings 2:58
  • 9 - Business equation 12:01
  • 10 - Comprehensive works and excamples 1:02
  • Practice Chapter 18
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 18 39:43
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - Overview 1:51
  • 1 - Comparing the financial statements of a sole trader and a company 7:46
  • 2 - IFRS 15 19:45
  • 3 - Items in the Income Statement and Statement of Comprehensive Income 11:32
  • 4 - Statement of financial position for a company 25:22
  • 5 - Reserves 7:52
  • 6 - Statement of changes equity 2:22
  • 7 - Bonus and rights issues 13:43
  • 8 - Notes to the financial statement 5:01
  • 9 - Ledger accounts and limited liability companies 3:56
  • 10 - Published account 1:39
  • Practice Chapter 19 - Company financial statements
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 19 - Company financial statements 42:29
  • Làm lại Practice
  • Practice Chapter 19 - Disclosure notes
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 19 - Disclosure notes 7:01
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 0 - Definition 3:31
  • 1 - Events requiring adjustment 2:02
  • 2 - Non – Adjusted events 3:13
  • 3 - Summary 2:14
  • Practice Chapter 20 - Events after the reporting date
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 20 7:46
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 1 - IAS 7: Cash flow statement 8:22
  • 2 - Cash and Cash Equivalens 2:42
  • 3 - Presentation of cash flow statement - Direct Method 11:05
  • 4 - Presentation of cash flow statement - Indirect Method 10:31
  • 5 - Cashflow Statement 19:17
  • 6 - Suggested steps to prepare a CFS 1:07
  • 7 - Other disclosures 0:52
  • 8 - Advantages and criticism of cash flow accounting 5:28
  • Practice Chapter 21 - Cashflows
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 21 23:50
  • Làm lại Practice
  • 1 - Group & Consolisation 29:57
  • 2 - Principles for Consolidation 15:39
  • 3 - The effect of the parent/subsidiary relationship on the financial statements 9:19
  • 4 - Accounting Treatment for Consolidation 24:39
  • 5 - Consolidated Financial Statement 1:42
  • 1 - Key Steps 13:12
  • 2 - Items Required to cancel 5:08
  • 3 - Goodwill 23:13
  • 4 - Acquired intangible assets 6:26
  • 5 - Consideration in the form of shares 9:27
  • 6 - Non-controlling interests 7:19
  • 7 - Intra-group Trading 12:59
  • 8 - Acquisition of Sub Co part way through the year 1:19
  • 9 - Summary 1:30
  • 0 - Key Steps 5:04
  • 1 - Pre- and post-acquisition profits 8:13
  • 2 - Non-controlling interest in the consolidated income statement 5:29
  • 3 - Intra-group Trading 6:48
  • 4 - Acquisition of part way through the year 0:56
  • 5 - Summary: Consolidated Income Statement 0:49
  • Practice Chapter 24 - Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 24 39:04
  • 0 - Needs for ratio analysis 4:29
  • 1 - Key Ratios 2:51
  • 2 - Profitability and Return 28:02
  • 3 - Liquidity, Gearing/Leverage and Working Capital 24:03
  • 4 - Limitation of ratio analysis 6:51
  • Practice Chapter 25 - Interpretation of Financial Statement
  • Chữa Practice Chapter 25 18:10
  • Tổng ôn 37:01
  • Hướng dẫn các dạng bài tập môn Financial Accounting 4:19
  • Tài liệu Hướng dẫn các dạng bài tập môn Financial Accounting
  • Mocktest Part A
  • Chữa đề Part A 79:42
  • Mocktest Part B
  • Chữa đề Part B 35:05

Thông tin giảng viên

Mr. Giang Ha FCCA
6789 Học viên 37 Khóa học
- FCCA, ACA, CPA, Trưởng ban Kiểm soát nội bộ IC&D Group

Học viên đánh giá

4 Đánh giá






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